(May 11, 2012 at 5:17 pm)Jaysyn Wrote: Above all, be yourself.
Sounds like being himself isn't getting him anywhere. Watch the movie Hitch. It's a bit hokey but there actually is some really good advice in there for the dating impaired.
(May 11, 2012 at 5:35 pm)zentor Wrote: And the thing is I think girls can sense my desperation which makes things awkward.
You think they can sense it?? Man, women can smell the stink of desperation from a mile away. Hell, I can smell it on you, and I'm reading this on a computer screen. You want a girlfriend, you need to dial it WAAAY back. I mean WAAAAAAAAAAYY back.
You don't have to look like George Clooney - don't ever worry about that. You DO however have to act like George Clooney. Confident, in charge, dressed for the occasion (NOT overdressed), and lightly whimsical. Don't try to be a god damn comedian either. No woman likes schtick.
oh and remember,
If you do manage to meet and start talking to a girl. NEVER EVER EVER force a conversation. If it's going badly, walk away.
There's some start-up tips for you. But seriously .... lose the desperation for sure.