dry land fish... I'm a little deeper south than you (Louisiana) and can promise you that back woods is all this state is made of...lollol
Southern Baptist make up over 50% of this state, along with, I was raised as a Southern Baptist.
If they believe in speaking in tongues where you were at, then they have went against what defined Baptist from the Pentecostals and Apostolic teachings that Pentecostals do their damndest to hang on to.
As far as snake handling and Exorcism, you are correct...Baptist believe in possession to it's fullest and;
I'm not saying you are wrong in what you have been to.. .We all know how shit is made up from one church to the next.....
Southern Baptist make up over 50% of this state, along with, I was raised as a Southern Baptist.
If they believe in speaking in tongues where you were at, then they have went against what defined Baptist from the Pentecostals and Apostolic teachings that Pentecostals do their damndest to hang on to.
As far as snake handling and Exorcism, you are correct...Baptist believe in possession to it's fullest and;
Quote:Mark 16:18
18They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.
I'm not saying you are wrong in what you have been to.. .We all know how shit is made up from one church to the next.....
Intelligence is the only true moral guide...