But to reach the homo sapiens state would that process not need to happen, (ie the one that I described before) benificial mutants mutating benificially further for millions of times? Yeah you get different branches and stuff I know, but like I said for the homo sapiens to come out the process would have to be repeated millions of times, ensuing that the mutated specimen survives in each case before reproduction. And maybe the 100,000,000 would not have to be reached every time yes, BUT, sometimes the number would have to go OVER 100,000,000 if you indeed beleive that everything is governed by laws of chance. You cant say a new species mutated benificially straight after it had just done so. And no I'm not creating a strawman version, I'm working of the version that you guys have given me in this particular debate. So Adrian, when you can't put forth a worthy argument then you just say that I dont know anything about the subject and leave it at that? So typical of evolutionists.
And yeah, I'll fish around a bit for those arguments... After we finish this debate OK?
And yeah, I'll fish around a bit for those arguments... After we finish this debate OK?
Atheism: The beleif that there was nothing and then nothing magically exploded for no reason, creating everything..... Makes perfect sense. :confused2: