Oh no no going to the doctor will not keep fat people from being fat. They are fat because they are lazy and stupid or they are genetically prone to being over weight. Our government starts teaching people the right way to eat at pre school ages. You learn the "food guide pyramid" before you even finish the first grade. Every where you go in America there are anti smoking ads on billboards and commercials on TV by anti smoking campaigns talking about the dangers of smoking. We have documentaries on fat people and unhealthy eating. We have informercials on TV that push diet pills. You can't open a magazine, drive down the road, or watch TV without seeing an ad promoting good health in America.
How in the world can you say that we are paying more for for peoples healthcare now than if we had a prevntative option? There are a lot of uninsured people in America that do not qualify for medical cards right now. Those people will then be added to our bill. Has anyone figured out how lazy people in America are. If you give people "free cheese" in this country they will take it and expect it all the time. People who get handouts do nothing but sit on their butts eating and making babies. They have no reason to work or pay into the system to help out with the social programs people keep talking about.
Obama is going to address this healthcare issue this month on a national level. He's yet to come out and talk about it to the people. I read today that there is a portion of that bill that talks about spending money so people can enter into the homes of toddlers to teach them parenting skills. The issue is that it's voluntary at first but once a parent is enrolled there's nothing that says they can cancel it. This is another example of a "government" takeover. We already have parenting programs paid by each individual state and they target low income and at risk families. So now we need federal money to pay for yet another program like this? Where in the hell does Obama think this money will come from for all of this stuff he's doing? Now we have cash for refrigerators. When will this "cash" run out. Cash for clunkers has left many car dealerships out of money because the government has not delivered on that deal.
How in the world can you say that we are paying more for for peoples healthcare now than if we had a prevntative option? There are a lot of uninsured people in America that do not qualify for medical cards right now. Those people will then be added to our bill. Has anyone figured out how lazy people in America are. If you give people "free cheese" in this country they will take it and expect it all the time. People who get handouts do nothing but sit on their butts eating and making babies. They have no reason to work or pay into the system to help out with the social programs people keep talking about.
Obama is going to address this healthcare issue this month on a national level. He's yet to come out and talk about it to the people. I read today that there is a portion of that bill that talks about spending money so people can enter into the homes of toddlers to teach them parenting skills. The issue is that it's voluntary at first but once a parent is enrolled there's nothing that says they can cancel it. This is another example of a "government" takeover. We already have parenting programs paid by each individual state and they target low income and at risk families. So now we need federal money to pay for yet another program like this? Where in the hell does Obama think this money will come from for all of this stuff he's doing? Now we have cash for refrigerators. When will this "cash" run out. Cash for clunkers has left many car dealerships out of money because the government has not delivered on that deal.