If hell were real I still maintain that it's the christians who are fucked. The eternal torture, burning and gnashing of teeth always struck me as behavior control mechanisms similar to:
If you pick your nose a sharp toothed snail will bite your finger off.
If you cross your eyes or make funny faces they will be stuck like that forever.
If you swim immediately after eating you'll die of a cramp.
If you have premarital sex as a teenager your fun bits will immediately fall off/out.
If there's any interest I'll be glad to share an anecdote from when I was 8 that got me thinking this way. Besides, we only hear from the god botherers how bad hell is. I would like to see the devil's travel brochure. I'll leave you with some AC/DC -
Don't mind her playin' demon
Long as it's with me
If this is hell
Then you could say
It's heavenly
Hell ain't a bad place to be
Late at night
Turns down the light
Closes up on me
Opens my heart
Tears me apart
Brings out the devil in me
If you pick your nose a sharp toothed snail will bite your finger off.
If you cross your eyes or make funny faces they will be stuck like that forever.
If you swim immediately after eating you'll die of a cramp.
If you have premarital sex as a teenager your fun bits will immediately fall off/out.
If there's any interest I'll be glad to share an anecdote from when I was 8 that got me thinking this way. Besides, we only hear from the god botherers how bad hell is. I would like to see the devil's travel brochure. I'll leave you with some AC/DC -
Don't mind her playin' demon
Long as it's with me
If this is hell
Then you could say
It's heavenly
Hell ain't a bad place to be
Late at night
Turns down the light
Closes up on me
Opens my heart
Tears me apart
Brings out the devil in me