(June 13, 2012 at 9:30 am)apophenia Wrote:
You really are a total fucking moron, aren't you? Well it's good to see that the creotards here now have legitimate competition for the bottom of the barrel.
Don't bother replying, I won't be back. You're just too fucking stupid for me to waste anymore time on. You are an exemplar of the Dunning-Kruger effect par excellente.
Why am I stupid? Because you came onto a form of minorities and thought that because you support Taoism and Hindus I would blindly not question it?
Do you think religion is the only thing I question? Do you think that because you think that because I challenge you I hate you?
I have had debates with ATHEISTS, and if you would READ the posts on the few weeks I have been here, I have ruffled the feathers OF EVEN ATHEISTS.
Now here is what I see from the atheists I have pissed off here that I do not see from you. They stick around and battle me and don't seem to take it personally.
To me what you are doing here is an Uncle Tom like Issac Hayes did with South Park. He had no problem poking fun of everyone else's beliefs, but quit when they got to Scientology.
Let me tell you what I did when that same cartoon depicted Mrs Garrison fucking Richard Dawkins. I laughed, I didn't run or demand they be taken off the air. And if I truly thought they were being bigoted I wouldn't run away, I would fight back.
I bruised your ego, SO THE FUCK WHAT. If I coward to verbal conflict like you are now, any time someone equated Hitler to atheists I would never debate.
I am not being hateful or bigoted by merely saying the social club you subscribe to is not needed. I would be a bigot if I said you are evil or you should be outlawed. I am being blunt like cold water on the face of a friend who doesn't see the placebo they are clinging to.
Saying you don't need to hold a label does not make me a a bigot. So run away rather than AT A MINIMUM consider that you do not need the social club you like.