Polaris, that's not entirely true. Shias are killed by Sunnis mostly due to religion, and the power and control they struggle for, is due to religion. They don't want Shias in power due to religion.
Honestly, this is why Syria is such a sensitive issue which people are looking it as narrowly just as struggle of freedom lovers versus a dictatorship. Reality is Alawites would be killed and annihilated if the rebels get into power, due to religion.
And reality is west supports the rebels, because it knows these rebels will be against Hezbollah and Iran, because of no reason but religion.
Honestly, this is why Syria is such a sensitive issue which people are looking it as narrowly just as struggle of freedom lovers versus a dictatorship. Reality is Alawites would be killed and annihilated if the rebels get into power, due to religion.
And reality is west supports the rebels, because it knows these rebels will be against Hezbollah and Iran, because of no reason but religion.