Evidentially there are countless reasons as to not believe in any form of loving creator but as an ex-Christian it was surprisingly easy to ignore such arguments. After all, about 99% of the Bible's meaning is merely my own self centred and incredibly deluded outlook on life. But how did Noah fit all those animals....... no, no... it's a "metaphor"...
Thankfully I found a way out. Thankfully I was freed and thankfully I have never felt more alive. As the title suggests a wonderful free thinker helped me on my journey out of delusion and denial and into truth and knowledge.
As a Christian any simple online search into Atheism would usually present the case in one simple form, that is - humour. That my beliefs were something to be mocked and laughed at. I was used to this. I had the magical faith cloak protecting me at all times. As someone who was frequently bullied and ridiculed at school I was adapt to hiding away from laughter, comments and smirks.
A bully does not come at you with rational thought and superior intelligence, for example how often do you hear a bully say "These chocolate bars are making you fat. This could lead to future health problems. It's very evident and clear that you are harming yourself with this. Take this book. It shows you how you could change your diet to better your way of life and most importantly, make you happy." If someone came at you with that statement would they be a bully? No. They'd actually be showing that they care about you. That they are speaking not just from the heart but from the brain giving a clear and logical argument. And so, just like that anti-bully Christopher Hitchens changed my life with clear and logical CARING arguments.
His debates were the first time I'd seen someone argue the true immoral and harmful teachings of something that I'd been adamantly following for a large part of my life. He didn't come at me with immature ridicule, but instead intelligent and thoughtful reason. And my magical faith cloak simply couldn't deflect his almightiness.
I enjoy the humour that comes with being an Atheist - not bullying or ridicule but simple humour against religion. But it's the serious side that truly fuels me. The complete and utter lack of care to those starving in the world, the poor, the needy, the sick, the homeless. The idea that there could be such a being that would allow this to happen with complete indifference. It's this part that fuels my antitheism. My anger towards religions preaching Gods love when it is so clear that it is absent from this world. Calling for the death of homosexuals, degrading women, stoning women, mutilating children's genitals and so on and so on.
I've joined this forum because I want to meet and speak to people who feel the same passion that I do against these immoral teachings. Who feel like something REALLY needs to be done just as Hitchens felt. I want to know that amidst the jokes and laughter there are people like me who really care about how harmful religion really is.
God is NOT great and Religion poisons EVERYTHING.
Brothers and Sisters, I look forward to meeting you.
Thankfully I found a way out. Thankfully I was freed and thankfully I have never felt more alive. As the title suggests a wonderful free thinker helped me on my journey out of delusion and denial and into truth and knowledge.
As a Christian any simple online search into Atheism would usually present the case in one simple form, that is - humour. That my beliefs were something to be mocked and laughed at. I was used to this. I had the magical faith cloak protecting me at all times. As someone who was frequently bullied and ridiculed at school I was adapt to hiding away from laughter, comments and smirks.
A bully does not come at you with rational thought and superior intelligence, for example how often do you hear a bully say "These chocolate bars are making you fat. This could lead to future health problems. It's very evident and clear that you are harming yourself with this. Take this book. It shows you how you could change your diet to better your way of life and most importantly, make you happy." If someone came at you with that statement would they be a bully? No. They'd actually be showing that they care about you. That they are speaking not just from the heart but from the brain giving a clear and logical argument. And so, just like that anti-bully Christopher Hitchens changed my life with clear and logical CARING arguments.
His debates were the first time I'd seen someone argue the true immoral and harmful teachings of something that I'd been adamantly following for a large part of my life. He didn't come at me with immature ridicule, but instead intelligent and thoughtful reason. And my magical faith cloak simply couldn't deflect his almightiness.
I enjoy the humour that comes with being an Atheist - not bullying or ridicule but simple humour against religion. But it's the serious side that truly fuels me. The complete and utter lack of care to those starving in the world, the poor, the needy, the sick, the homeless. The idea that there could be such a being that would allow this to happen with complete indifference. It's this part that fuels my antitheism. My anger towards religions preaching Gods love when it is so clear that it is absent from this world. Calling for the death of homosexuals, degrading women, stoning women, mutilating children's genitals and so on and so on.
I've joined this forum because I want to meet and speak to people who feel the same passion that I do against these immoral teachings. Who feel like something REALLY needs to be done just as Hitchens felt. I want to know that amidst the jokes and laughter there are people like me who really care about how harmful religion really is.
God is NOT great and Religion poisons EVERYTHING.
Brothers and Sisters, I look forward to meeting you.