Give me a break with your, "Mommy, the atheist man on the internet is being mean to me" moral high ground bullshit. If you wish not to be addressed as a fucktard, try not exhibiting its characteristics.
You stroll in here with your historical accuracy open question bullshit. Using your exact phrasing, Google returned over 2.6 million links. A quick review of the first few pages suggested there was a good smattering of both skeptical and apologist sites in the mix.
If you are over the age of about 10 or 12 and still believe that the Earth was created in 6 days, you are a fucktard. If you understand this and don't see its obvious connection in proving the lack of historical accuracy in the bible (in the very first book no less), you are a fucktard.
Your clear demonstration of intellectual laziness and dishonesty is why I am under no obligation to treat you with any civility (you inappropriately used the word respect).
Give me a break with your, "Mommy, the atheist man on the internet is being mean to me" moral high ground bullshit. If you wish not to be addressed as a fucktard, try not exhibiting its characteristics.
You stroll in here with your historical accuracy open question bullshit. Using your exact phrasing, Google returned over 2.6 million links. A quick review of the first few pages suggested there was a good smattering of both skeptical and apologist sites in the mix.
If you are over the age of about 10 or 12 and still believe that the Earth was created in 6 days, you are a fucktard. If you understand this and don't see its obvious connection in proving the lack of historical accuracy in the bible (in the very first book no less), you are a fucktard.
Your clear demonstration of intellectual laziness and dishonesty is why I am under no obligation to treat you with any civility (you inappropriately used the word respect).