I really have no idea what exactly the name of this particular phobia is but apparently I'm not the only one with it. Basically, it's a phobia of man-made objects submerged in a body of water. I've had this for a long time, apparently, and didn't know I ever had it until I played Mario 64 and played the level with the sunken ship. Something about that ship scared the piss out of me and I've noticed that I've had that fear in other instances. I cannot get near buoys out in lakes or oceans, not just because of the submerged part of it but because of the weird terror that grips me when I see the chain disappearing into the depths of the water, or, worse, if I FEEL the chain under the water it will scare the bajeezus out of me.
This only happens in select circumstances. Say I am taking a bath and I have a little toy boat [shut up, I like pushing toy boats around in the bath!] and I sink it. No reaction. Say I take said toy boat to a lake and sink it. Still no real reaction. But say I come across a sunken canoe or rowboat. The phobia starts to kick in, albeit lightly. If it's made out of wood, the phobia is less, if it's made of metal, the phobia is greater. The phobia also increases depending on the size of the object; I once was diving in the Chesapeake, where there's a lot of scuttled sailboats further out, either for disposal purposes or caused by capsizing during storms or whatnot, and I happened across the mast of a sunken sailboat. I freaked the fuck out and almost swallowed a lungful of water in my panic.
Images of sunken ships do not have the same effect as seeing them in person does. And this can be anything. Sunken buoys, boats, cars, etc. All of them just creep me the fuck out.
Anyone else share this phobia? Or, hell, at least know what the hell it's even called? Or where it comes from??
This only happens in select circumstances. Say I am taking a bath and I have a little toy boat [shut up, I like pushing toy boats around in the bath!] and I sink it. No reaction. Say I take said toy boat to a lake and sink it. Still no real reaction. But say I come across a sunken canoe or rowboat. The phobia starts to kick in, albeit lightly. If it's made out of wood, the phobia is less, if it's made of metal, the phobia is greater. The phobia also increases depending on the size of the object; I once was diving in the Chesapeake, where there's a lot of scuttled sailboats further out, either for disposal purposes or caused by capsizing during storms or whatnot, and I happened across the mast of a sunken sailboat. I freaked the fuck out and almost swallowed a lungful of water in my panic.
Images of sunken ships do not have the same effect as seeing them in person does. And this can be anything. Sunken buoys, boats, cars, etc. All of them just creep me the fuck out.
Anyone else share this phobia? Or, hell, at least know what the hell it's even called? Or where it comes from??