(September 15, 2009 at 10:24 pm)dry land fish Wrote: I'm surprised. I figured most Atheists would be pro choice because most pro lifers use God as a reason they are against it. I'm pro choice and I'm pretty hard core about it. The way I see it is that it's best for a mother to abort a baby she can't afford or doesn't want. Women who have babies they can't afford end up costing taxpayers a lot of money. I support using federal money for free abortions to women who are drug addicts or in current states of poverty. Paying for one abortion is cheaper on the taxpayers than paying for eighteen years of medical bills, food, clothing, and education. Plus...as a woman...I dare anyone to tell me I can't abort a fetus if I wanted to. Not that I ever will..but still...I like that freedom.
See I don't think it's so easy as to say a child is inconvenient, therefore let's flush it away. To say less fortunate people should abort because it costs less is a very heartless road to take. Abortion is far more complicated than that. Someone very dear to me has had two abortions and it's something that bothers her to this day. It is not an easy decision, and it is killing a potential life. I agree that people less fortunate should avoid having more children but in a different way. They should be educated with social programs to help them make smarter decisions and prevent unwanted pregnancies. Using contraceptives is far better than aborting a fetus when it's convenient for everyone concerned.
This is something that I've wrestled with for a long time, but in the end I do come down on the side of the woman and I am pro-choice, but I am against abortion. It's a personal choice for each woman, just as I would exercise my right to choose life, I will always support another woman's right not to. There's not an easy answer, and as Rhiz said, it's a necessary evil and should be legal, but we need to focus our efforts on making sure there are as few abortions as possible.
"The way to see by faith is to shut the eye of reason." Benjamin Franklin
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