Puh-lease. Passive aggressive Canadians have only got their ice skates. The rest of the time, they are spreading rumors that they are all nice. Seriously, the only people I have ever heard say Canadians are notoriously nice are Canadians. They are planning something and part of that plan entails fibbing people into complacency. I'm not kidding.
In all seriousness, Canada was Britain at the time. I don't see what they are bitching about. Furthermore, I was of the understanding that it was mostly natives that the Canadians sent, and the only sides that did kick our ass (I see the war as having four sides, actual England, Canengland, Natives and U.S.), were the natives and the Canadians. Really, it was just a few poorly executed campaigns into areas we could not handle. We got about as far north as the border.
In all seriousness, Canada was Britain at the time. I don't see what they are bitching about. Furthermore, I was of the understanding that it was mostly natives that the Canadians sent, and the only sides that did kick our ass (I see the war as having four sides, actual England, Canengland, Natives and U.S.), were the natives and the Canadians. Really, it was just a few poorly executed campaigns into areas we could not handle. We got about as far north as the border.