(October 28, 2012 at 5:01 am)FallentoReason Wrote: I want to know why, and I'm confident it's not because they're "stupid".
I already told you why.
That Abrahamic filth has been injected into our culture's bloodstream, and it is a part of the societal organism as a whole. People believe in it, because it is still being passed down to them generation, by generation. They take reality at face value, because it is easy and natural to do so. However, we are seeing a decline, because there are no more institutions with the absolute power to force Christianity onto the asses, all while our lives are becoming more dependent upon science, and therefore naturalism.
However, you're kind of wrong on your theory. Low intelligence is associated with shallow thinking. There have been plenty of studies on giftedness; a stark majority of these individuals have better mental faculties, and so are able to apply more complare not cookie cutter theists--they are usually anything but. One reason for this is because with giftedness comes better existential awareness. Low IQ individuals, however, have a harder time seeing big picture (because they do not make the necessary connections), and they have a lower tolerance for cognitive dissonance. Therefore, many of them tend to be cookie cutter theists.
In this day and age, were everyone gifted (IQ of 129+), there would be a lot less sheep. Make no mistake. There is an association between not asking the big questions and low intelligence.