Good post, I was going to make the same one before I saw your post. For those that are going to harm themselves due to lack of impulse control I would agree that being addicted to religion is better than whatever substance that would have a more negative effect on their life.
I have known many addicts through being involved with an outreach program through my church. One thing I noticed was the fervor with which these people approached staying sober. They were genuine in their desire but I felt they were missing the point by replacing drug addiction with religious addiction (You seem to agree with me there), mainly because there is no "release" "high" or "buzz" with religion that fully accomplishes replacement of whatever drug they were into. The aspect of the outreach program that I got involved with was activities. To truly stay off drugs I think it takes replacement by something that will provide a similar reward as using drugs and a recalibration of the brain to require less stimulation to be satisfied.
I've read that heroin addicts often take up BDSM once they are off heroin because it provides a similar cycle of release to heroin addiction. Hey, between kinky sex and taking heroin I think kinky sex wins!
Good post, I was going to make the same one before I saw your post. For those that are going to harm themselves due to lack of impulse control I would agree that being addicted to religion is better than whatever substance that would have a more negative effect on their life.
I have known many addicts through being involved with an outreach program through my church. One thing I noticed was the fervor with which these people approached staying sober. They were genuine in their desire but I felt they were missing the point by replacing drug addiction with religious addiction (You seem to agree with me there), mainly because there is no "release" "high" or "buzz" with religion that fully accomplishes replacement of whatever drug they were into. The aspect of the outreach program that I got involved with was activities. To truly stay off drugs I think it takes replacement by something that will provide a similar reward as using drugs and a recalibration of the brain to require less stimulation to be satisfied.
I've read that heroin addicts often take up BDSM once they are off heroin because it provides a similar cycle of release to heroin addiction. Hey, between kinky sex and taking heroin I think kinky sex wins!