(December 13, 2012 at 2:18 am)TarShoduze Wrote: Hi.
I'm an atheist, and I can't lie about it anymore. While I wouldn't go shout, "I don't believe in God," I most certainly will say my beliefs (or lack thereof) when asked. So, can anyone list me the most common Christian defenses and the most appropriate atheist reasoning for each defense? I almost got into a debate with my classmate today, but I got speechless when I can't tell her how blind she is when she said, "Just look around you. Isn't that enough proof?" I know--meaningless. Fortunately, I didn't loose her.
I do not like debates, and would prefer my belief to be left alone. However, I'd like to be prepared, as I would like to be able to at least defend my atheism, as they are able to defend their Christianism with such meaningless thoughts.
Thanks, everybody. You all rock
Welcome. But let me warn you ahead of time this is a long journey, not something we can simply wrap up in one thread. I went from Catholic, to deist, to atheist and that took a little over a decade.
But, we can start you off with some terms, books, and useful websites.
Terms you need to know.
1. Ocham's Razor
2. Fallacy of Pascal's wager
3. The problem with infinite regress
4. Circular Reasoning(self serving, quoting a book because it coincides with the believer's desires.
Books you need to read, this is a short list.
The God Delusion, Richard Dawkins
The New Atheism, Victor Stenger
God Is Not Great, Christopher Hitchens
The End Of Faith, Sam Harris
Infidel, Ayaan Hersi Ali
Websites I have found useful,
This one.
It's rival, just switch org with com.
Rational Responders
Positive Atheism, a website full of skeptical quotes(not all quoted were atheists however)
Freedom From Religion Foundation
American Atheists
Atheists United
But, my best advice is to always remember that their starting point, no matter what religion, polytheistic or monotheistic, they are starting with the naked assertion that an invisible magical sky friend exists, so any holy book or pseudo science wont change that starting point.