Come on Christian, move along now, your 'Debating tactic' is rapidly getting boring.
Some of us are dying to hear why you think The Bible is the 'word of Jesus Christ' (even the OT? - tell that one to the Jews!) and that it has 'stood the test of time' (!).
P.S. I think you will find that most people here understand all about Emperor Constantine and the council at Nicea and the origin of the various documents and the disputes before during and after the Nicene creed etc etc - so make sure you are well up to speed before you start or you may embarrass yourself.
Some of us are dying to hear why you think The Bible is the 'word of Jesus Christ' (even the OT? - tell that one to the Jews!) and that it has 'stood the test of time' (!).
P.S. I think you will find that most people here understand all about Emperor Constantine and the council at Nicea and the origin of the various documents and the disputes before during and after the Nicene creed etc etc - so make sure you are well up to speed before you start or you may embarrass yourself.
A sensible man should not demand of me, or hope that when we mention a subject, we shall make a complete exposition of it. - Maimonides