(January 19, 2013 at 4:42 pm)The_Germans_are_coming Wrote: The thing is, when I am confronted with an issue, I dont get to having my view on that issue through debate.
But through research.
Newspaper articles are structured a specific way, in order to increase their reader's interest, starting with an attention getting headline, followed by the main details of the story in the first paragraph, then the rest of the paragraphs go into detail on the points mentioned in the first paragraph. All writing takes into account genre, sub-genre, audience, format and structure. Even research papers and technical writing have to use strategy and tactics. Older master painters used to paint their works, not only with an eye to the composition itself, but many times also to fit the frame chosen, the lighting where they knew their painting would be displayed, and even according to what paintings would be hung next to their painting. Effective communication doesn't happen by chance, usually. If you're a talented writer, good; if you're a talented writer who knows how to use his words strategically, better.