Newspaper articles arent legitemate sources in any kind of way, since the internet papers have moved from giving a cold and clear display of the facts to publishing opinion pieces.
I actualy regulary visit the sites of ministeries, like the minestry of energy or justice when trying to get an unbiased account of facts.
Sometimes I compare opinion texts with oposing opinions. But generaly, I am not the kind of person who is comforted with any kind of biased report.
And I am lucky in this case, since the German press has a reputation of simply ripping everything to shreds and not reporting positively about anything.
On research papers,...... mhm I partialy disagree, research conducted by a political think tank will of course be biased and maybe even completly inconclusive.
But especialy universities deliever unbiased research and studies.
I actualy regulary visit the sites of ministeries, like the minestry of energy or justice when trying to get an unbiased account of facts.
Sometimes I compare opinion texts with oposing opinions. But generaly, I am not the kind of person who is comforted with any kind of biased report.
And I am lucky in this case, since the German press has a reputation of simply ripping everything to shreds and not reporting positively about anything.
On research papers,...... mhm I partialy disagree, research conducted by a political think tank will of course be biased and maybe even completly inconclusive.
But especialy universities deliever unbiased research and studies.