This has become for me an interesting conversation that has set me thinking. There are cultural differences depicted, and also those of age. But also an aspect is touched upon indirectly through this that I have not yet heard in context of relationships, but that I think when exposed might highlight the difference between thinking of the old order of the faith community, and the new thinking of more liberated times.
Setting aside issues of child abuse and thinking of teenagers; What interests me is that I instinctively reject the idea of an older person with a young one, true this is partly to do with my age because of the culture I grew up with, but also I find it hard to think of a forty year old having any sort of equitable relationship with a teenager even if that teenager is over the age of consent.
For me an inequitable relationship where one party holds all the power is not a partnership. Theists have no qualms whatsoever about marriages where one party has all the power, in fact it is encouraged to be that way.
I have been incensed for a long time by theists saying this or that is not a proper marriage, because they are gay or some other thing, but I now realise that I don't think what theists think are marriages are what I would define as a marriage the meeting of equals, all a theist marriage is, is no more than a legal document entitling a male to have sexual, and often financial dominance over a female.
Maybe I should run with idea, once we have gay marriage fully in place we people with equitable relationships should start lobbying to exclude old theistic marriages based on inequality as they sully what the meaning of marriage has for us.
Setting aside issues of child abuse and thinking of teenagers; What interests me is that I instinctively reject the idea of an older person with a young one, true this is partly to do with my age because of the culture I grew up with, but also I find it hard to think of a forty year old having any sort of equitable relationship with a teenager even if that teenager is over the age of consent.
For me an inequitable relationship where one party holds all the power is not a partnership. Theists have no qualms whatsoever about marriages where one party has all the power, in fact it is encouraged to be that way.
I have been incensed for a long time by theists saying this or that is not a proper marriage, because they are gay or some other thing, but I now realise that I don't think what theists think are marriages are what I would define as a marriage the meeting of equals, all a theist marriage is, is no more than a legal document entitling a male to have sexual, and often financial dominance over a female.
Maybe I should run with idea, once we have gay marriage fully in place we people with equitable relationships should start lobbying to exclude old theistic marriages based on inequality as they sully what the meaning of marriage has for us.