Ach! Bitte lächeln sie doch mal!
Well I guess I to find people who tell me to smile a bit intrusive and impertinent.
It`s non of their fucking buisness what a facial expression I chose to put on my face when I left my house!
And I also cant stand people who keep smiling all the time like if there was something to smile about or if the planet was nothing but a big fucking ponyranch.
And Belgians
and Brits
And Poles
And the Dutch
And Jews
And Bavarians
And Muslims
Well I guess I to find people who tell me to smile a bit intrusive and impertinent.
It`s non of their fucking buisness what a facial expression I chose to put on my face when I left my house!
And I also cant stand people who keep smiling all the time like if there was something to smile about or if the planet was nothing but a big fucking ponyranch.
And Belgians
and Brits
And Poles
And the Dutch
And Jews
And Bavarians
And Muslims