Quote:We are here as a result of the natural processes of the universe.
We are here as the result of the fact a universe exists to begin along with a myriad of exacting conditions and characteristics that allow for life.
Quote:And you think god is a reasonable answer to this question? [why is there something rather than nothing] I would rather have the sights of science targeted at it to really find out and not have some lame ass easy cop out answer which boils down to "the magic man done it".
Our modern technology would look like magical feats to someone from a few hundred years ago. But it wasn't magic, it was planning and design that done it. On the other hand most atheists I have chatted with propose that this is one of an infinitude of universes or that this universe 'poofed' into existence uncaused out of nothing. Kind of like pulling a rabbit out of a hat.
Quote:Google evolution through natural selection and learn.
Evolution is a fact and natural selection does have a an influence. Whether that mechanism suffices to account for the variety of life is uncertain. I am skeptical.