1. What is your age?
2. Are you married? Kids?
Not the last time I checked.
3. Are you angry or disappointed at "God"?
Of course, he turned down my sexual advances. Wouldn't you be disappointed too? All I wanted was an all-powerful butt-buddy.
4. Do you subscribe to hedonism?
As long it isn't at the expense of others.
5. Are you an atheist because you want to be, without eternal consequences, sexually promiscuous? A drug addict? An alcoholic?
So STD's, drug withdrawls and overdoses, and stone hard livers aren't considered deterrents and only the fear of eternal torment is?
6. Do you like "psychedelic" music?
Who gives a fuck? You could probably use some yourself to chill out.
7. Was atheism "transmitted" to you from a "Marxist"?
Yes, the ghost of Karl Marx told me to do it or else he would take away my unicorn.
8. Are you selfish?
We all have a biologically ingrained proclivity for loving ourselves, it's just a matter of degrees.
9. Is your "community" centered around pornography?
No, but apparently a study conducted in the US found that the highest consumption of pornographic materials occurs in religiously conservative areas.
10. Is your atheism a political statement?
I wish it wasn't, but with the fucktards we have in the government of my country, it inevitably becomes one.
11. Were you recruited into atheism by the promises of sex and drugs?
Isn't it obvious? They recruit us under the bridges at night where we smoke meth and participate in massive gay orgies. I thought you already had that all figured out?
Is the toaster j-strudel satisfied now?
2. Are you married? Kids?
Not the last time I checked.
3. Are you angry or disappointed at "God"?
Of course, he turned down my sexual advances. Wouldn't you be disappointed too? All I wanted was an all-powerful butt-buddy.
4. Do you subscribe to hedonism?
As long it isn't at the expense of others.
5. Are you an atheist because you want to be, without eternal consequences, sexually promiscuous? A drug addict? An alcoholic?
So STD's, drug withdrawls and overdoses, and stone hard livers aren't considered deterrents and only the fear of eternal torment is?
6. Do you like "psychedelic" music?
Who gives a fuck? You could probably use some yourself to chill out.
7. Was atheism "transmitted" to you from a "Marxist"?
Yes, the ghost of Karl Marx told me to do it or else he would take away my unicorn.
8. Are you selfish?
We all have a biologically ingrained proclivity for loving ourselves, it's just a matter of degrees.
9. Is your "community" centered around pornography?
No, but apparently a study conducted in the US found that the highest consumption of pornographic materials occurs in religiously conservative areas.
10. Is your atheism a political statement?
I wish it wasn't, but with the fucktards we have in the government of my country, it inevitably becomes one.
11. Were you recruited into atheism by the promises of sex and drugs?
Isn't it obvious? They recruit us under the bridges at night where we smoke meth and participate in massive gay orgies. I thought you already had that all figured out?
Is the toaster j-strudel satisfied now?
freedomfromfallacy » I'm weighing my tears to see if the happy ones weigh the same as the sad ones.