I personally think that studying theology is more interesting than the Bible. When you see how all the pieces of scripture fit together, it makes the study of the scriptures more enjoyable. I have trouble with studying the Bible because of the familiarity and the fact that the nature of reading one book at a time tends to obscure overarching themes and systemic theology, which is the most enjoyable part of studying theology for me.
I have been interested in philosophy, computer science, music and theology and I have to say of all these philosophy is the most enjoyable and rewarding for me. I have not found all my studies of scripture to be equally enjoyable, sometimes I get more or less from my studies but I really enjoy putting everything together.
I have been interested in philosophy, computer science, music and theology and I have to say of all these philosophy is the most enjoyable and rewarding for me. I have not found all my studies of scripture to be equally enjoyable, sometimes I get more or less from my studies but I really enjoy putting everything together.