The guy who was fired has clarified that the comment about "forking his repo" was meant literally and not in a sexual way. So the only joke made was about big dongles.
That said, it doesn't even matter to me whether a joke about forking was made. It's a joke, between friends. People who happen to overhear it do not have the right not to be offended. Besides, joking about big dongles and forking are either male-based on gender-neutral jokes. The argument made by Adria is that she was protecting future female python developers, as if these men were being sexist and rude towards women.
On top of that, as Syn pointed out, she's a massive hypocrite and also apparently an idiot (concerning the racism thing).
The tech industry is better off without her. There are far better women in tech who can evangelize without causing unneccessary controversy.
That said, it doesn't even matter to me whether a joke about forking was made. It's a joke, between friends. People who happen to overhear it do not have the right not to be offended. Besides, joking about big dongles and forking are either male-based on gender-neutral jokes. The argument made by Adria is that she was protecting future female python developers, as if these men were being sexist and rude towards women.
On top of that, as Syn pointed out, she's a massive hypocrite and also apparently an idiot (concerning the racism thing).
The tech industry is better off without her. There are far better women in tech who can evangelize without causing unneccessary controversy.