(April 8, 2013 at 12:22 pm)junkyardboy Wrote: isn't the jungle run by different bands of mutant primates?
Your concept of mutation is the one of a little child which had just played Fallout 3.
Mutations in evolution do not mean that someone grows another leg or something like that. It means very small changes which are benefitial. A broader beek for a bird to crack harder nuts, smaller wings for a bird to manover better, light sensitive cells, bigger ears, all kinds of things.
It means smallest little changes which in the end makes the survival of that animal easier and therefor insures that it can pass it`s genes and therefor it`s small mutation on - which itself will mutate further and if benefital will be further past on.
Quote:isn't the history of the jungle war between the mutants?
When you call every single animal which came into todays existance through evolution a mutant - then yes. the word mutant is simply used on purpose by you because you think it discredits the entire thing due to what you associate with mutation instead of reasearching what it actualy is. Due to the fact that you are an ignorant asshat who probably is incapable to read a book which has more than 100 pages and who therefor would rather stick to his own childish interpertations of the world.
mutations occure constantly in small foram - and it is these which are essential to the evolutionary process.
And yes, all live is a battle for survival, from the fly in the spiders web - to the deer running from the leopard - to the cancer patient in hospital.
Quote:isn't it part of the evolutionary process of the jungle that primate
I have explained it above. If mutations within an animal are benefitial and ensure that it passes it is part of evolution.
The entire thing is not incorect because of your childish interpretation of the word mutation, it simply makes you look like an ignorant fucktard who is to lazy to look up, in order to understand, the very words he is using.
Quote:leadership is always threatened and ultimately changes?
What the fuck has "leadership" to do with evolution???? No animal other than the human being have a understanding of social concepts.
If sociaty has an influence on evolution it only has so by influencing which mutations are benefitial to survive within a social construction.
Quote:isn't that true in any animal species in the jungle?
mutations occure in every animal - not just in the jungle!
Have you ever read a book about biology which isnt a colorfull childrens book with a title such as "animals in the jungle"?!
Quote:there is a new jungle order coming
How fucking hard can it be to even try to make a statement which is consistant, relies on sources and evidence and actualy makes some fucking sence!?
Quote:the mutant primates have begun their chest thumping
What the fuck was that supposed to mean!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Seriously! If you dont stop making meaningless gibberish statements which serve no other purpose than to further the isolation combined with negative attention amongst others you seem to crave for so much you will probably be reported at one point for being an attentionwhoring preacher.