Quote:MSN had a article of how we need prayer as if that was a major contribution to the situation.
Makes you wonder what the assholes are praying for, doesn't it?
Are they praying for the people who had their legs blown off? "God" has never grown back an amputated limb. That seems to be beyond his ability.
Are they praying for the people who were killed? Why? They are dead. Is their godboy going to bring them back to life? See above. That seems to be beyond him, too. Are they praying for them to go to heaven? That seems conditional on so many other factors, though. If any of the victims were members of some group despised by the "prayer" then that option seems invalid. Maybe they are praying for the wounded? Well, the doctors seem to have that under control....although they could use a little help from the "creator of the entire fucking universe" to grow back the missing limbs but that doesn't seem to be happening....see above.
Maybe they want their "god" to turn back the clock so that the whole thing never happened? But then, we wouldn't know about it so they wouldn't be praying in the first place.
Or, at the end of the day, is it simply one of those useless, pointless, waste of time platitudes that people say when they don't know what else to say rather than keeping their fucking mouths shut?