Hey guys, so recently before my conclusion that there is no god I watched a video on the news regarding the practice of speaking in tongues. To summarize the video, a neurologist scanned the brain activity of individuals during a normal conversation and compared it to a person who was speaking in tongues. The result was that, as most of us may know, during normal conversation the frontal cortex lit up like the fourth of July. Whereas, during the practice of speaking in tongues almost no brain activity was shown, not even in the frontal cortex (If you don't know, that is where the language center of the brain is). The video seemed to push the conclusion that speaking in tongues must ABSOLUTELY come from a higher being who ,as described by the people who speak in tongues, is speaking through them.
Now i'm sitting here thinking, "Ok, no brain activity when speaking in tongues... that kinda tells me that it truly is nothing more than mindless babble." I'm not a neurologist though, can anyone come up with some conclusions from this other than a higher being speaking through their mouth?
Also, if the only conclusion you can come to is a higher power and you simply assume that I have no idea what I'm talking about, then please be informed that I did speak in tongues as a christian and I still conclude it is nothing but mindless babble, so please keep the "you don't understand" arguments out... because I do understand, from experience. Thanks.
Now i'm sitting here thinking, "Ok, no brain activity when speaking in tongues... that kinda tells me that it truly is nothing more than mindless babble." I'm not a neurologist though, can anyone come up with some conclusions from this other than a higher being speaking through their mouth?
Also, if the only conclusion you can come to is a higher power and you simply assume that I have no idea what I'm talking about, then please be informed that I did speak in tongues as a christian and I still conclude it is nothing but mindless babble, so please keep the "you don't understand" arguments out... because I do understand, from experience. Thanks.
I used to pray... but then I realized I could talk to myself and save 10% too. Who wouldn't go for that?