(May 23, 2013 at 10:28 pm)Gooders1002 Wrote: Well that comes down to 5 questions:Yes
Did he exist?
Quote:If there was no Adam and Eve and all that Jazz, where did original sin come from?Begs the question. You have not established Adam and Eve did not exist.
Quote:Why would he have to sacrifice himself if there was no original sin?Jesus Did not sacrifice Himself for Original sin. Christ sacrificed Himself for sin period. We all sin thus the need for a sin sacrifice.
Quote:Was It really a Sacrifice if he came back to life? (Using this definition http://www.thefreedictionary.com/sacrifice)Did you not read your own definition?
Or do you not understand them?
sac·ri·fice (skr-fs)
a. The act of offering something to a deity in propitiation or homage, especially the ritual slaughter of an animal or a person.
b. A victim offered in this way.
a. Forfeiture of something highly valued for the sake of one considered to have a greater value or claim.
b. Something so forfeited.
a. Relinquishment of something at less than its presumed value.
b. Something so relinquished.
c. A loss so sustained.
What don't you understand about any of these definations?
Quote:Was it a free gift to all regardless or gift with condition precedent?
John 3:16 answers this question
what do you think?