(December 12, 2009 at 10:54 am)tackattack Wrote: Your world consists of cause and effects compunded over time into incalculable possibilities of effects.Surely your world does so too.
(December 12, 2009 at 10:54 am)tackattack Wrote: If God is sentient then he created the big bang and has a perspective from outside time and space...Causation has no meaning outside time since the concept of causation hinges on being able to identify what event is earlier in time. We can only conclude that your remark about creation outside space and time is sheer nonsense.
(December 12, 2009 at 10:54 am)tackattack Wrote: ...and is satisfied with the end results of the initial cause so why would he change anything.For a perfect being there is indeed no reason to change anything. So why should a perfect being create a universe?
(December 12, 2009 at 10:54 am)tackattack Wrote: If he is non-sentient then he caused the big-bang simply by existing and a random or compouned sum of his radiation.What bible are you reading? There is not a thing that comes near to the big bang in the all too common hotel bedside versions of it. And in what bible is the radiation of god described? Is it electromagnetic radiation or particle based?
(December 12, 2009 at 10:54 am)tackattack Wrote: If he doesn't exists then something caused the Big Bang and the world view doesn't change.Your world view or mine?
"I'm like a rabbit suddenly trapped, in the blinding headlights of vacuous crap" - Tim Minchin in "Storm"
Christianity is perfect bullshit, christians are not - Purple Rabbit, honouring CS Lewis
Faith is illogical - fr0d0
Christianity is perfect bullshit, christians are not - Purple Rabbit, honouring CS Lewis
Faith is illogical - fr0d0