They also breed and raise the animals for the sole purpose of becoming food... There wouldn't be near the number of cattle or chickens in the world today if we weren't raising them for food.
I'm just saying, baby steps. I don't foresee a world in which enough people convert to vegetarianism/veganism to put an end to animals being eaten... But I do think change is possible within the industry, with carnivores joining the cause. Letting chickens be free range vs. crammed in a tiny box or an overcrowded coop, unable to stand due to their large breasts, for instance. This would make life better for the chickens, even if they still get eaten in the end, and the meat tastes better. I'm more concerned about the quality of life for the animal, than it being slaughtered and eaten. I think that's a good hurdle to start on rather than trying to convince people "meat is murder."
I'm just saying, baby steps. I don't foresee a world in which enough people convert to vegetarianism/veganism to put an end to animals being eaten... But I do think change is possible within the industry, with carnivores joining the cause. Letting chickens be free range vs. crammed in a tiny box or an overcrowded coop, unable to stand due to their large breasts, for instance. This would make life better for the chickens, even if they still get eaten in the end, and the meat tastes better. I'm more concerned about the quality of life for the animal, than it being slaughtered and eaten. I think that's a good hurdle to start on rather than trying to convince people "meat is murder."