(June 2, 2013 at 8:21 am)littleendian Wrote: They obviously do for severely mentally handicapped people, just because they're reduced to instincts doesn't mean we grant them fewer rights.
Not true. I did my Zivildienst in a Einrichtung für Geistig Behinderte.
Most of them have more than just simple instincts. Why would a 50 year old man who cant read pretend to read? In most cases the subconcious mind simply has the bigger influence on a persons actions.
Other than that, even those which are reduced to instincts still have parents which want them to be kept alive and love them
And did I mention that handicapped people are humans and not animals.
Quote:Basically the animals are our dumb little brothers and sisters, they don't know shit, they're even dumb as hell often times, but that only makes our responsibility toward them all so much greater. What we're doing now is we're letting hate and cruelty rain down on these innocent creatures. Humans are better than that.
hate and cruelty????
I simply want to eat. Other than that, most slaughterhouses are legaly bound to keep pain inflicted on animals at a minimum.
Take a look arround. Do you see a pack of wolves who politly considere a deer`s needs and therefor asks the herd politely for a carcas?