Telepathy would be easy to accomplish if two bions were equiped with blue-tooth enabled tranceivers, which they would have to have to connect to the vinculum. I like the idea of a singularity and have always thought it would be great to merge with technology. Yes, when the Borg show up I would be the first to volunteer for assimilation. I would gladly sever ties with my left hand. I am not that attached to it, unless you count bone, blood, skin, muscle, tendons, and nerve endings. Ok, so I AM attached but not emotionally. I would just hope that bionics would approximate that same or better ranges of movement and sensations that I enjoy now.
Telepathy would be easy to accomplish if two bions were equiped with blue-tooth enabled tranceivers, which they would have to have to connect to the vinculum. I like the idea of a singularity and have always thought it would be great to merge with technology. Yes, when the Borg show up I would be the first to volunteer for assimilation. I would gladly sever ties with my left hand. I am not that attached to it, unless you count bone, blood, skin, muscle, tendons, and nerve endings. Ok, so I AM attached but not emotionally. I would just hope that bionics would approximate that same or better ranges of movement and sensations that I enjoy now.