(June 3, 2013 at 7:07 am)Forbinator Wrote: You've stated that we are superior to animals, based this on your own standards of superiority (anthropocentrism), and used it to justify victimisation of entire groups. How is this not bigotry?
I based the argument of supiriority of the human species on the achievements of the human spiecies! And not not the fact that we are differnt from animals you liar! If these are not the standards, then what is?! It is not bigotry because if it were than every single carnivor on the planet is a biggot.
Quote:As for our civilisation, we have already applied standards from our civilisation to animals, as is seen in laws we currently have against senseless cruelty to animals. The difference is that veganism applies these standards to animals all the time, not just when it's convenient. Why accept any level of cruelty?
We have applied these standards on animals for our own good to be a productive society in our interactions with animals. Not because we "love" them.