(June 3, 2013 at 9:25 am)KichigaiNeko Wrote:I'll ignore the character attacks, but I need to address speciesism because you do not understand it (or pretend not to). Probably on the first page of the thread it was discussed that an animal rights position gives equal consideration of interests, not identically equal rights. Animals with brains have hormonally-driven survival instincts (adrenaline, cortisol etc.), but plants do not. As littleendian already explained, if they could be considered as having interests, it would be in propagating their seed; they actually rely on being eaten by animals. And chopping part of a plant off when they don't have any pain receptors? You cannot seriously be suggesting that that is harmful. Even if it is, you haven't given me any alternative, other than starving to death or committing suicide, since animal products actually require more plants to be killed. If you're going to make the point about plants, at least provide an alternative that doesn't harm plants!(June 3, 2013 at 9:15 am)Forbinator Wrote: littleendian already answered this by referring to plants' lack of a central nervous system, so repeating this argument is akin to trolling. It also offers nothing constructive to the debate, since consumption of plant life (either directly or by filtering it through an animal as you do) is necessary for survival. Unless you're advocating suicide? Again, not constructive or applicable to reality.
So now you are being speciesist? it's ok to vilify and exploit a living creature do long as it is not like you?
I'm sorry? You are advocating the direct use of plant material and holding this up as preferable to those who need the next step of having it digested through a meat animal? And that those who prefer this added step should commit suicide?
And who said this was a debate? This is a discussion and your comments are not constructive at this point in my opinion.
So essentially you are both not reading my posts and are determined to take this fallacious "moral high ground"?
Do you both live on/in this planet? have you learnt nothing? Or do you prefer to have your ideologies fed to you by the likes of PETA and their ilk?
It is not speciesism if I provide a hen with a place to dust-bathe, but don't do the same for my child, as the interests that the two species have are different. However, to act against the interests of a species would be speciesism.