(June 3, 2013 at 9:57 am)KichigaiNeko Wrote:Yes, completely minor detail I'm sure!(June 3, 2013 at 9:48 am)Forbinator Wrote: Animals with brains have hormonally-driven survival instincts (adrenaline, cortisol etc.), but plants do not. As littleendian already explained, if they could be considered as having interests, it would be in propagating their seed; they actually rely on being eaten by animals.
But so do plants. They only lack a central nervous system.
Quote:Beyond a reasonable doubt I would think, but you haven't provided me with an alternative so the point is a bit moot!(June 3, 2013 at 9:48 am)Forbinator Wrote: And chopping part of a plant off when they don't have any pain receptors?
Are you sure? Do we REALLY know so much?
Quote:You keep conveniently ignoring all the nutrition information available about where to get certain nutrients. I already posted links, and if all else fails, the worst case scenario is we have vitamin pills as I mentioned! I already said this, but you keep mentioning this same point as if the information and supplements don't exist.(June 3, 2013 at 9:48 am)Forbinator Wrote: You cannot seriously be suggesting that that is harmful. Even if it is, you haven't given me any alternative, other than starving to death or committing suicide, since animal products actually require more plants to be killed. If you're going to make the point about plants, at least provide an alternative that doesn't harm plants!
Ah there's the rub. You and your avocation of "animal rights" leave me and 75% of the total world population to starve (yeah I know that the 75% is an arbitrary figure pulled out of my backside but I am making a guess here that only 25% of the total world population can be vegan/vegetarian whilst the rest will have varying mixtures of vegetarian an omnivorism
Quote:Hah when did I advocate prioritising an animal over one's children? Are you trying to win straw man of the year? (Unless you're referring to the provision of a place to dust-bathe, which is not an interest that humans have!) And why do you keep ignoring the damning fact that the animals you eat are fed plants, at a rate of 6-12 x as much as the food they produce? In simple terms, meat-eaters decimate plant life at a much greater volume than vegans. I'm glad you apparently care so much about plants, but what is your solution to this? If meat-eating involves harming lots of plants, and veganism still involves harming some plants, then what alternative do you propose?(June 3, 2013 at 9:48 am)Forbinator Wrote: It is not speciesism if I provide a hen with a place to dust-bathe, but don't do the same for my child, as the interests that the two species have are different. However, to act against the interests of a species would be speciesism.
But you ARE advocating that animals have priority over one's own children and you ARE acting against the interests of a species namely the entire plant kingdom with your vegan/vegetarianism.
Quote:So your objection was on animal cruelty grounds, so my assumption was correct...so why did you call me out for making an assumption!? How about responding to my post where I begin by stating that there is in fact evidence that you are against animal cruelty, and I draw conclusions based on that? Or maybe constructive debate isn't really your thing?(June 3, 2013 at 9:51 am)Forbinator Wrote: @ KichigaiNeko: that post where you just kept writing "ad hominem" and "assumption" was based on a misunderstanding I think. You indicated that you were against Halal and Kosher slaughter. I assumed this to mean you were against the cruelty involved. If I am wrong and you are simply against people's freedom of religion (or anything else), please let me know, but I would have thought animal cruelty was the main reason why people are against those forms of slaughter.
NOW THIS is something I AM with YOU on.
Kosher and Halal slaughter is an abomination, an insult, a desperate act by a puny little man thing; and as such should be abolished. It is NOT kind, humane, nor is it a swift clean kill.