If you asked Dawkins it would be. 'Nearly impossible' being synonymous with 'impossible'... but that is another story.
I am not accusing you of saying these companies are free form responsibility, I am saying that it seems foolish to defend them from my anger. When I say that we should hold all of them, and may be Baxter foremost, accountable, I am on your side. I am saying so from the point of view of the quality of life for everyone around us. So you can dismiss it as some hearsay conspiracy, and they would love it if you would... But do some research and you will learn that I am telling the truth about the exampled of abhorrent behavior. I didn't say that the Ukraine release of vaccine was in fact a eugenics program. That is crazy conspiracy talk. But the two charges I have laid upon them are part of the legal public record. At that point it is only hearsay in the fact that you hear me saying it, but it is far from untrue.
Why do I have to be so contrary all the time? I wonder.
I am not accusing you of saying these companies are free form responsibility, I am saying that it seems foolish to defend them from my anger. When I say that we should hold all of them, and may be Baxter foremost, accountable, I am on your side. I am saying so from the point of view of the quality of life for everyone around us. So you can dismiss it as some hearsay conspiracy, and they would love it if you would... But do some research and you will learn that I am telling the truth about the exampled of abhorrent behavior. I didn't say that the Ukraine release of vaccine was in fact a eugenics program. That is crazy conspiracy talk. But the two charges I have laid upon them are part of the legal public record. At that point it is only hearsay in the fact that you hear me saying it, but it is far from untrue.
Why do I have to be so contrary all the time? I wonder.