(July 24, 2013 at 5:24 pm)pineapplebunnybounce Wrote: Hi, welcome and have fun!
1. If a dog isn't real, who's been eating all that dog food all these years .... ?
Uhm, not sure if I can help you with your christian friends. I can say if they're truly your friends they'll stick by you, but we all know it's not as simple as that. Hm, if I were in your situation, I would make new friends. Plenty of good and fun people around, you will like your new friends and come to value them just as much as you value your christian friends. Then you can break the news to your christian friends and if they walk away, at least you'll still have other friends who you can share your burden with.
Thank you. I have begun the process of making new friends, and I am finding the new friends I make to be warm and open minded. It's quite refreshing actually.