Quote:Well google has never heard of it.
Quote:Main Entry: evince
Pronunciation: \i-ˈvin(t)s\
Function: transitive verb
Inflected Form(s): evinced; evinc·ing
Etymology: Latin evincere to vanquish, win a point, from e- + vincere to conquer — more at victor
Date: 1604
1 : to constitute outward evidence of
2 : to display clearly : reveal
Evince--not evinince
Quote:It depends on the detail of the impression. Say it was a perfect hand print - I guess you'd conclude that a hand had made it... without knowing what 'it' is?
If you know it is a HAND print, then you obviously know a HAND made it. This is based upon your observation of what a hand print looks like. We can study prints to determine what made them by comparison.
Quote:We can easily pick a definition from the pot, and use that to say what is and isn't God like.
Go ahead, and please explain how as you do so. Please don't start the circle again though. What do you mean, "God like"...remember that there is a difference between what a God CAN be and what is actually observable/definable.
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