(January 25, 2010 at 12:22 pm)EvidenceVsFaith Wrote: Or an exercise in sensitivity to extremely amazingly unbelievable awesomeness
Analysis of "The tranquiliser"
High pitched synth keys, mellow mid range, sharp highs. Plays repetitive pattern
0:19 -
Joined by hollow crunching percussion, white noise saw wave, slight pitch modulation. Slight distortion, grain and delay.
0:26 -
White noise hihats, generic pattern, slight L/R echo
0:30 -
Joined by low, loose Saw bass. Two thuds then absence.
0:34 -
Worst sounding electronic bass drum i have heard in a long long time.
0:50 -
Standard grubby sounding square wave bass, climbs and descends mostly in a regular pattern. Range is three tones at best.
1:34 -
Kick drum and percussion removed, synth and bass playing the same pattern
1:38 -
Tubular bells sounding sine wave flute/bell sound, mildly atmospheric, some delay and generic mid-tom drum pattern. Another synth sound, i'm fairly sure it is the same sound as the last section, but an octave higher with a slight decline to click.
1:50 -
Small bursts of percussion and bass, percussion has annoyingly long sustain and release, it has the effect of distorting the otherwise nice atmospheric flute. Flute/Bell has gained a flanger.
2:23 - Cut/fade all sounds except the atmospheric flute/bell synth.
It's fairly generic, boring and slow imho. Not the worst music but i find it so hard to give a damn about it.
Anyway, can't just give the criticism, i'll upload some of my electronic stuff later on.