Yesterday on a bike ride I noticed 3 crows cawing away up on the wires.
They were looking down. I didn't see any thing (no food anyway).
Today on coming back from a bike ride, I saw a dead crow on the sidewalk near where the crows were carrying on. Then, I remembered a video where researchers documented that is what crows do when one of them die.
I decided to go back to look at why the dead crow had some plastic twine? tangled in it's feet. I got there and gave the crow a little shove. It looked weird. It was a fake Halloween crow that blew off the guy's house.
They were looking down. I didn't see any thing (no food anyway).
Today on coming back from a bike ride, I saw a dead crow on the sidewalk near where the crows were carrying on. Then, I remembered a video where researchers documented that is what crows do when one of them die.
I decided to go back to look at why the dead crow had some plastic twine? tangled in it's feet. I got there and gave the crow a little shove. It looked weird. It was a fake Halloween crow that blew off the guy's house.