One of the amusing issues with the myth of the nativity. (tell this to a Christian it really irks them) :
The three wise men,called "The Magi" from whence comes the word magician.These were pagans,astrologers who had predicted the birth of someone special from reading the stars,not divine intervention or prophecy. The science of astronomy did no exist for over another 1000 years.
I was an amateur astrologer for about 10 years and cast dozens of charts.I kept written records of all my predictions. Some hits were of minor interest, but not outside chance . THERE'S THE RUB:IF astrology was a useful tool,astrologers would make specific predictions,giving a firm time frame.The predictions would be accurate more often than not. They don't and they're not so it isn't.
Astrology uses a geocentric system. The information used to cast charts comes from astronomical ephemerides,which give the actual position of the planets at the moment of birth.Some astrologers also use some fixed stars.The really creative ones use imaginary planets. The Rosicrucians talk about angels a lot.
Astrology was huge in the late C19 and early C20 all over the European world.This was the age of Spiritualism, Theosophy,the downright certifiable Rosicrucians and the Cottingley Fairies. Sadly,people seem to be no less gullible today..
Make no mistake,astrology DOES claim to predict the future.Not what 'MAY' happen but what WILL happen.
I have never seen any proof any any form of precognition,prophecy or fortune telling whatsoever. Further,if the future us available, it infers we live an a deterministic universe. I'm aware of no proof of such a claim, only a lot of speculation.
It's also interesting to compare and contrast the very different Hindu and Chinese systems and reading of astrology with 'ours'.
The three wise men,called "The Magi" from whence comes the word magician.These were pagans,astrologers who had predicted the birth of someone special from reading the stars,not divine intervention or prophecy. The science of astronomy did no exist for over another 1000 years.
I was an amateur astrologer for about 10 years and cast dozens of charts.I kept written records of all my predictions. Some hits were of minor interest, but not outside chance . THERE'S THE RUB:IF astrology was a useful tool,astrologers would make specific predictions,giving a firm time frame.The predictions would be accurate more often than not. They don't and they're not so it isn't.
Astrology uses a geocentric system. The information used to cast charts comes from astronomical ephemerides,which give the actual position of the planets at the moment of birth.Some astrologers also use some fixed stars.The really creative ones use imaginary planets. The Rosicrucians talk about angels a lot.
Astrology was huge in the late C19 and early C20 all over the European world.This was the age of Spiritualism, Theosophy,the downright certifiable Rosicrucians and the Cottingley Fairies. Sadly,people seem to be no less gullible today..
Make no mistake,astrology DOES claim to predict the future.Not what 'MAY' happen but what WILL happen.
I have never seen any proof any any form of precognition,prophecy or fortune telling whatsoever. Further,if the future us available, it infers we live an a deterministic universe. I'm aware of no proof of such a claim, only a lot of speculation.
It's also interesting to compare and contrast the very different Hindu and Chinese systems and reading of astrology with 'ours'.