(November 6, 2013 at 10:42 pm)Vincenzo "Vinny" G. Wrote: If you disagree with this idea, you can either:
i) Challenge the claim that the causal chain is finite, arguing that it is infinite in the past.
ii) Challenge the claim that the first cause must be God.
What you cannot do is imply that God needs to be caused by something.
i) God as first cause only works if the causal chain is not infinite. It has not been established as finite.
ii) Any explanation suggesting that God is uncaused just as easily suggests that the universe is uncaused.
iii) If "who created God" is an invalid question, "who created the universe" is even less valid because only the universe is demonstrable and it has no traits which can only be explained by intelligent design theory.
iv) Just because biased believers give their god attributes specifically designed to allow them to win any possible by-proxy dick-measuring contest imaginable doesn't mean that the first cause assertion is in any way a valid position.