It is funny that many Christians I've run into argue that God brings absolute morals, like the 10 commandments, while ignoring the touchy subject of the same deity striking down innocent babes just to make a point. Even if there was a greater moral accomplishment, like freeing the Isrealites (assuming that is true), it immediately invalidates the absoluteness of God's morality and changes it to something more akin to the Catholic view of doing a lesser evil for a greater good.
Sounds trivial, but when you start breaking down the absolutes on an absolutist being, it throws more into question, like can such a being possibly exist in terms of any absolutes and how does one verify it?
Sounds trivial, but when you start breaking down the absolutes on an absolutist being, it throws more into question, like can such a being possibly exist in terms of any absolutes and how does one verify it?