But the lulz not only disregards any consequence for the other party involved, but also puts a priority on creating cheap laughs, as if that is a valuable use of your time. To get laughs at other's expense, although in this case the Christian TV people are kinda asking for it... But this not only demonstrates a contempt for or misunderstanding of the fact that there are other people on this planet with you (if you were a 4chan lulzer). And on the other side it diminishes the role of the troller because his or her most productive or useful act is to generate one sided slap stick comedy at others expense for a throaty giggle or two. We as humans can choose to have much better things to do with our time than prank call TV shows, and especially to admire the prank calling of TV shows... Or we can not, either way...
I just think the 'we do it for the lulz is about as mature as picking your nose and eating it, and about as productive too.
I just think the 'we do it for the lulz is about as mature as picking your nose and eating it, and about as productive too.