PETA isn't all they are cracked up to be.
But I am not vegetarian or a vegan. I enjoy meat...A LOT. I don't like it if an animal suffers, but I don't lose sleep over it either. Animals suffer all the time in nature. The hawk isn't worried if the cute bunny rabbit is being given an inhumane death when it's disemboweling it while it's still alive.
The way I look at it life, started on this planet with a single common ancestor and it will end with a single descendent...humans. There will come a time when our population reaches a maximum capacity and we will eventually have to choose between giving animals a place to live or people. I'll side with people. We protect animals that are essential to our survival, otherwise though I don't give two fucks if the endangered blue tailed finch goes extinct.
But I am not vegetarian or a vegan. I enjoy meat...A LOT. I don't like it if an animal suffers, but I don't lose sleep over it either. Animals suffer all the time in nature. The hawk isn't worried if the cute bunny rabbit is being given an inhumane death when it's disemboweling it while it's still alive.
The way I look at it life, started on this planet with a single common ancestor and it will end with a single descendent...humans. There will come a time when our population reaches a maximum capacity and we will eventually have to choose between giving animals a place to live or people. I'll side with people. We protect animals that are essential to our survival, otherwise though I don't give two fucks if the endangered blue tailed finch goes extinct.