(January 12, 2014 at 12:35 pm)c172 Wrote: It's kind of painful to think tyhat there will ever be a cure for aging. Besides what has been mentioned that our bodies are composed of many systems (so, just because your lungs are OK doesn't mean your kidneys are), I can think of two issues that concern me. 1) Suicide would become a given. 2) What about infrastructural issues, such as retirement pension? If our lifespans become infinite, but our bodies are ready to retire from the workforce by 65, similar to now, how the hell do we pay for anything? Government would be bankrupt.
I dont know, but all of those would be solved somehow and eventually, dont be so pessimistic. You made me depressed.
No it`s no painful at all when you face your own death through a fucking bad trip on drugs. Besides those who find the thought of infinite lifespans are retarded cocksuckers.
Not that you are, just ranting a bit
I assume that the age for retiring would be nearer 2000 years than 65, and also quite frankly working can be quite fun, working is not a bad thing, if your body works in a nicely, slick and smooth manner, use it to help the community with your service.
I seriously doubt that most pensioners aren`t bored to death after 20 years of not contributing to the wholeness, however obviously since their bodies at that time would be more equivalent to a 20 years old, I doubt they would be bored to death, there would be so much fun to do.
Maybe there would be some sort of agreement done that every 5 years of work you would get 1 year of doing watcha want. These a trifle issues, and I view them as nothing more than easily solvable problems.
Also, I imagine people having the same concerns when the vaccine was invented, and when transplantation were started being performed, and when aspirin was issued.
Do drugs, believe in people, and make them smile!