Quote: we try to pass laws so that everyone has to live by our standards. And that is wrong.
Quote:Why is it wrong?Because they are not universal moral standards, but mere opinions.
Quote:I respect your view on animals, really I do. It's a nice sentiment. But it remains your view. Personally I don't give a scuttering Fuck about animal welfare (certainly not when there are millions of humans forced to live in vile conditions).
Quote:Then I despise your opinions.And that's OK! But you still don't get to elevate them higher than being simply "your opinions".
Quote: And since there are obviously plenty of people willing to buy cheap, intensively farmed meat, I don't see how your ideas about the chickens welfare are more valid than the farmer's.
Quote:Non sequiterNot really. I'm pointing out that while you hold one view, lots of people hold different views.
Quote: And do think that for families living in poverty, the choice between cheap, intensively farmed meat, and no meat, is not yours to make.
Quote:So/ I think otherwiseI'm getting that. So you think the choice of what other people are allowed to eat IS yours to make. I think you're rather self evidently wrong. Or perhaps you SHOULD be empowered to make that decision for everyone.
Gee, if only there was a system of government where people could vote in people who would change things they felt strongly about.
Quote:Oh and yeah. Eating meat is totally the same as fucking an 11 year old.Can't believe you went there.
Quote:Why not?Because the last time I saw that argument was from a theist (I forget the stripe) making the argument that since atheists were ok with homosexuality they must be ok with paedophilia as well. Almost verbatim actually. If their was no moral standard then ANY behavior must be ok.
You know whats the same as Kiddie rape? Kiddie rape. And that's it. Neither homosexuality nor eating battery farmed eggs are the same as kiddie rape.
I'm sorry, but even bringing that into an argument about eating meat and farming is a bit of a douche move. Its not the same ball park. It aint even the same fucking SPORT.
"Peace is a lie, there is only passion.
Through passion, I gain strength.
Through strength, I gain power.
Through power, I gain victory.
Through victory, my chains are broken."
Sith code
Through passion, I gain strength.
Through strength, I gain power.
Through power, I gain victory.
Through victory, my chains are broken."
Sith code