Chill. I wouldn't tell him anything that would upset them, but you can encourage critical thinking in him, so when the times comes he is equipped to make intelligent judgments.
When my brother came out to my parents as an atheist, my parents requested that he not tell me, because I had "strayed from the path" and they were worried I'd be lost forever. Nobody told me shit. A year later I came out as agnostic to my brother and that's when he told me he was atheist. If the kid can think for himself, he'll get there. Chill.
(I'm agnostic-atheist now)
When my brother came out to my parents as an atheist, my parents requested that he not tell me, because I had "strayed from the path" and they were worried I'd be lost forever. Nobody told me shit. A year later I came out as agnostic to my brother and that's when he told me he was atheist. If the kid can think for himself, he'll get there. Chill.
(I'm agnostic-atheist now)
Pointing around: "Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you, you're cool, fuck you, I'm out!"
Half Baked
"Let the atheists come to me, and stop keeping them away, because the kingdom of heathens belongs to people like these." -Saint Bacon
Half Baked
"Let the atheists come to me, and stop keeping them away, because the kingdom of heathens belongs to people like these." -Saint Bacon