Evolution is that something thats happening all the time. Every time a children is born and every generation of diffrent insects are created. It´s a process that have been happening since the day the earth was born.
Thats why we have genes to pass on to our children, that get the best genes from us and they give there best to their cildren and so on. Humans, animals and everything else is constantly improving.
A very obvious example to how this work is to just look at numerous types of virus and bacteria. They are constnatly adepting to our medecine so they finnaly get imune. Thats why you shouldnt take to much medication when you have cold or something else becuase finnally after many generations will the bacteria adabt to that and you will have to take more and more pencelin, or other medication, to get rid of the decise until the medication doesnt work.
For just more hundreds years of go did people die of a simple cold or fever. But we to have adbeted ourself to this and become more and more resistant to other types of decises and virus. But instead have more dangerous viruses spread like AIDS and other lethal viruses, that our bodies havent adebted to. Thats why scitentist and doctors are very careful to treat deiffrent types of virus to not make it stronger, just ebcause they are evolving alot faster then humans. Something that takes hundreds of years for us, maybe more , and many generation just takes some few year- depending on the virus of course.
There alot traces in hour on body and other that show how much diffrent animals have evoloved. We have for an istant the Cecum, that have no use for us anylonger but probably have some use for our ancestor 10 000 of years go. probably to digest raw meat better. Our mucous membrane does eaasily get irrteated by useal tap water if try to rinse the inside of your nose with it. But saltwater are something that doesnt irritertate and you can hardly feel it. Also you can look underwater more easily if you are in saltwater too. Why? Beacuse a very longtime ago where we a water living creature, far from human but still have that passed on.
The giant blue whale have hip bones, which is not useful for a water living creature. but it shows that it have been a land living creature that for some reason crawled back to the sea, probably because it was easier for that species to get food there.
Thats why we have genes to pass on to our children, that get the best genes from us and they give there best to their cildren and so on. Humans, animals and everything else is constantly improving.
A very obvious example to how this work is to just look at numerous types of virus and bacteria. They are constnatly adepting to our medecine so they finnaly get imune. Thats why you shouldnt take to much medication when you have cold or something else becuase finnally after many generations will the bacteria adabt to that and you will have to take more and more pencelin, or other medication, to get rid of the decise until the medication doesnt work.
For just more hundreds years of go did people die of a simple cold or fever. But we to have adbeted ourself to this and become more and more resistant to other types of decises and virus. But instead have more dangerous viruses spread like AIDS and other lethal viruses, that our bodies havent adebted to. Thats why scitentist and doctors are very careful to treat deiffrent types of virus to not make it stronger, just ebcause they are evolving alot faster then humans. Something that takes hundreds of years for us, maybe more , and many generation just takes some few year- depending on the virus of course.
There alot traces in hour on body and other that show how much diffrent animals have evoloved. We have for an istant the Cecum, that have no use for us anylonger but probably have some use for our ancestor 10 000 of years go. probably to digest raw meat better. Our mucous membrane does eaasily get irrteated by useal tap water if try to rinse the inside of your nose with it. But saltwater are something that doesnt irritertate and you can hardly feel it. Also you can look underwater more easily if you are in saltwater too. Why? Beacuse a very longtime ago where we a water living creature, far from human but still have that passed on.
The giant blue whale have hip bones, which is not useful for a water living creature. but it shows that it have been a land living creature that for some reason crawled back to the sea, probably because it was easier for that species to get food there.