(December 13, 2008 at 11:33 pm)Daystar Wrote: It is important to me to keep reminding you all of the possibility that you think much the same as religious fanatics in the hopes that at some time in the future you will see that yourselves. I don't think that you could see that now.Please explain exactly how we think "much the same" as religious fanatics and maybe I'll agree with you. All you've done so far is put in the odd snide remark about atheists having "faith" without backing it up or responding to criticism. I personally think you think the same as religious fanatics, and I have the following reasoning:
1) You believe the entire Bible from cover to cover without question.
2) Anything that vaguely resembles a contradiction in the Bible results in you throwing a strop and claiming that the contradiction is not a contradiction because of some ridiculous notion that you understand absolutely everything about the book, including which sections are metaphorical and which are factual.
3) When science flies completely in the face of your book, and you cannot possibly reconcile it with scripture, you simply charge the science with being wrong. Nevermind that this science is the result of countless years of research, experimentation, observation. Nevermind that this science is universally accepted by the scientific community except for some bizarre religious kooks. If it disagrees with the Bible, it must be wrong.
The three signs of a fundamentalist: Complete devotion to scripture; Coming up with ludicrous explanations as to why reality "seems" to contradict scripture; denial of scientific endeavor.
Only once you explain to me (a) how you don't fit in the above, and (b) how atheists (or heck, just me) fit into the same group as fundamentalist Christians, will I stop calling you religious. Like most arguments with theists, the burden of proof is now on you. I've said my bit, made my accusations, backed them up.
Your turn.